Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Morning hugs

My boys are still babies; Orion is now 7 months and Akiba just under 5 months old. They would rather play then get a hug. Most of the time they sleep where they want, that is not in bed with mummy and daddy.

However, this morning I got a shock as I went to roll to turn off the alarm, Akiba yowled at me! With good reason, cause I had just tried to flatten him! The little bugger had curled into my back sometime in the night and slept there. Being yelled at stopped me quick smart and Akiba forgave me by lightly clawing me in the back.

To even further my surprise daddy pointed out that Orion was on the bed, he had curled up between daddy's legs and lucky I did not wake him up. But there was now a conundrum, how do you get out of bed without waking the teddy bear or upsetting the sleeping jungle cat?

Answer: You dont, go back to sleep for another 30 minutes.

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